Saturday, May 31, 2008

Personal Reflection

I believe that the book Alas, Babylon was a good book. I enjoyed reading it. However I did not like that the chapters were so long. You would always get lost in the middle of the chapter when you had to put it down, you couldn't just finish the chapter and then do what you needed to do, unless you were near the end of a chapter. I thought it was a good book because it was very interesting. It was not one of those books that talked about what all these people did and how they argued all the time. It talks about all the destruction that is going on. It gives really good descriptions which lets you picture what you are reading. It showed that things can and probably will happen to America. Its shows that America is strong and that if we work together we can help out our neighbors and get the things done that we need to. It shows that America can rebuild itself after something bad happens. It also shows that we need to have a change in the world or else things will always be the same and America would not be America. I believe that other people should read this book. I don't even like reading books, but this one I did. After I got to reading I would keep on going until I got disrupted, then I would keep on reading after that. I have learned that the world will never always be in control of one nation, it will always change. We need to be kind and have good worldly relations or else something like that could happen.

Prevalent Themes

The prevalent theme in the book is when the war is over and government planes start flying over Fort Repose and then a helicopter with Paul Hart in it says that they will get the people left in Fort Repose out, but they all say that they would like to stay in the community that they have now made.

Conflict Between Characters

Some of the characters believed that Porky Logan was making a bad decision by giving away food just so he can have nice cars and expensive things. They believed that he was going to die because he was giving away all of his food.

Tone/Mood Throughout The Story

The tone/mood is very chaotic throughout the whole book. People don't exactly know what to do so they are doing whatever they know to do to stay alive.


The theme of the book was about getting people to know about the international issues that were going on at that time.


Randy Bragg-was a failed candidate for political office, becomes a part time lawyer. At the end of the book he becomes a leader of the city Fort Repose.
Dan Gunn-Fort Repose's doctor, helps out with all the people injured from the atomic bomb.
Elizabeth McGovern- Randy Bragg's girlfriend who later becomes his wife.
Helen Bragg-Mark Bragg's wife, mother of Peyton and Benjamin Franklin.
Mark Bragg- Randy's brother, an officer of an air command in Omaha. Dies from the first bombing.
Bill McGovern-Elizabeth McGovern's father
Benjamin Franklin-Mark and Helen's son
Peyton- Mark and Helen's daughter
Florence Wechek-Randy's neighbor, telegraph lady
Admiral Hazzard-retired military man, operates ham radio as hobby.
Rita Herdandez-former girlfriend of Randy, lives in Pistolville.
Alice Cooksey-Fort Repose Librarian
Two-Tone Henry-Missouri's husband.
Missouri-Henry's wife, cleans houses for living.
Edgar Quisenberry-president of Fort Repose Bank.
Preacher Henry-Two Tone Harry's father.
Paul Hart-officer in the air force.
Peter Hernandez-Rita's brother
Porky Logan-The Local State Legislature, dies from radiation from stolen jewelry.
Lavinia McGovern-Elizabeth's mother
Bubba Offenhaus-Owner of Fort Repose Funeral Parlor
Mrs. Josephine Vanderbruuker-Brown-becomes president after nuclear bombs destroy Washington D.C.


Alas, Babylon's setting is in 1960 during the Cold War in a town in Florida called Fort Repose.

Plot Summary

Alas Babylon is a book about an enemy bombing America. America gets bombed and the whole country goes into chaos. People are buying out stores and getting things they think they will need. People go on a mad rush for money, food, gasoline, and automobile equipment. Most of all they go home to their families to see if they are okay. Many people either died or were seriously injured from the bombings. America and its people were not prepared for this unthinkable occurrence. Most everything is destroyed or filled with radiation. The people who lived through the bombing went through a world of pain and trouble. Phone lines were knocked out; nobody could send any important news over radio because of the chance of the enemy listening in. This book is filled with questions that people would never think about on a normal day. Throughout the entire book, people are looking for ways to get by on the bare minimum. Many learn patience and humility. Others find that this is the time to get expensive worldly things for cheap trade for others essentials because they are more worried about what will happen in the future and not about the present. Some learn their lesson that looking towards the future is a good thing but the most important day is today. The characters in the book go through many trials. Many learn that their kids and other kids are more important than themselves because they have the longest to live and they are the future. In the end of the book, they all learn that anything can happen when working together, and that trying is better than giving up.